What is impact and how maximize our impact on impact?
It is a change(effect or influence) on something or somebody.
We hear a lot about impact but what is it and how we can better understand it in order to maximize our impact on impact?
It is a change(effect or influence) on something or somebody:
situation(specific set of circumstances or conditions that exist at a particular moment in time)
system(accepted written and verbal norms to be appreciated or penalized)
environment(air, water, plants, other living species)
people(individual or group):
safety(applies to both physical and mental)
physical(life quality: nutrition, sleep, fitness)
mental(well-being for fulfilling and productive life):
cognitive abilities/problem-solving(identifying problems, formulating solutions, and evaluating the effectiveness of those solutions):
continuous learn
creative(new and innovative solutions that may not be immediately obvious)
analytical(break down complex problems into smaller components)
critical thinking(analyzing situations or issues from multiple perspectives, viewpoints and assessing the validity of information)
reason(deductive, inductive, logical, evidence-based, critical thinking)
make decision(informed decisions based on the analysis and evaluation of available options)
emotional(automatic complex psychological responses to stimuli that involve physiological, cognitive, and behavioral components: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust)
feeling(conscious subjective experiences derived from emotions)
social(quality of interactions and relationships with others)
psychological(conscious and unconscious processes of the mind and observable behaviors)
core values and beliefs
inner peace
sense of purpose and meaning of life
Impact types:
direct or indirect(you engaged others who turned it to impact)
intended or unintended
short or long term
cumulative(combined effect)
physical(tangible activities) or communication(brain muscle)
Impact outcome metrics:
neutral(having positive and negative which sums up to 0)
Impact levels:
Part of big impact, but lower ownership. Others vision and smaller portion of your contribution on outcome of bigger impact.
Part of small impact, but bigger ownership. Others vision and bigger portion of your contribution on outcome of smaller impact.
Singular ownership impact in circle. Means only your impact and have visibility on scale of impact
Singular ownership impact out of circle. Means only your impact and have no visibility on scale of impact
Lead ownership impact in circle. Means you vision and control outcome and have visibility on scale of impact by leading others.
Lead ownership impact out of circle. Means you partially control outcome but have no visibility on scale of impact by leading others.